During this summer, at the same time I built my workshop, I worked with my wife on an artistic project.
It’s a huge polyhedron made in a single piece of Oak on the saw mill. We called it the “Prisme”. This piece was exhibited during the summer in our region along with Anne’s other works. It served as a starting point for a workshop with the visitors.
More of this project can be found here : matieredeschoses.com/prisme/

24/12/2016 | In Artistic, Experimental, Manufacturing | Tags : saw, wood
This year I builded my final workshop (I hope so ;-). It’s a 100 square meter wooden building covered with solar panels. Builded next to the sawmill, it contains all my woodworking machines and tools. I now have a good place to work effectively.
The foundations were made with the help of a friend of mine and the use of a Mecalac. Yes, this was the opportunity to swap my forklift for a Mecalac, an incredible machine.
I sawed all the wood and crafted the timber structure alone. The incredible machine allowed me to lift it also by myself.
I designed and installed the complete solar system on the building. If everything goes well, it will cover all the costs of the construction after about 15 years of electricity production.
23/12/2016 | In News, Uncategorized | Tags : mill, saw, woodworking, workshop
Time goes so fast ! It’s already been over a year that I have not given some news here.
Since my last post, things have advanced again :
The 6 July of 2015, our second daughter came to life, the two sisters are happy together and we also !
Our big construction project is moving forward slowly but surely : the last year was most dedicated to the “longère’s” roofing.
My sawmill also grew, I now have a all terrain forklift (bought used an repaired by myself last winter), the saw got a shed over it (also built last winter) and more recently I got a sharpening machine to become more independent with the blades maintenance.
I also made a dedicated web site : http://boisduguidon.com/ and some business cards and flyers. It’s my own small business after all 😉
24/02/2016 | In News | Tags : child, mill, saw
It has been a long time since I have written anything here. Sorry for that, I’am still alive 😉 but my life has changed a bit.
Since 2013, I am owner of an old mill in the Morvan (Burgundy). I am working a lot on it as it was deserted for 60 years – everything has to be redone : from top to bottom, and we have decided to do everything by ourselves.
So I am experimenting a lot of new skills : driving my excavator to bury the electricity and water connections, felling 25m high poplars, carpentering a lot to redo all the roofings are just some of them.

Our daughter came to this world in 2013. She is now one year old and seems happy to have this not so conventional life. We are so happy to see here grow up each day in what we hope to become the best place to spend her childhood.
And last but not least, I am changing my professional activity, leaving behind me the technical design and development for commercial projects. I am completely diving into woodworking. I have started a sawmill at our new home. This is the very beginning and for now I will mainly saw wood for our roofings but I hope to quickly get clients and see this activity grow up.

However, I’ll try to maintain and show the interactive installations I made with Lab212. So if interested, you can still contact me for Stop-iT, Appel d’Air, Face to Face and Loup garou.
I will try to keep this site alive to relate personal projects and to share some news every now and then.
19/11/2014 | In News | Tags : child, mill, saw