During October in a lot of cities of France a special event is taking place during one night. It’s called “Nuit Blanche” for sleepless night. It primarly took place in Paris in 2001. The goal of this event is to invest the city with a lot of artpieces that work well at night. Over the years, more and more cities in France have they own “Nuit Blanche” and this year Lab212 were invited in some of them all over France : Bordeaux, Metz, Amiens, La Motte Servolex…
Here are some pictures of the events I went to.

In Bordeaux I worked on Kikko’s project called Bruit de fond. It’s a probe that moves up and down a light according to the deepness of a lake measured with a sonar. While the probe is moving on the water surface, a camera is taking long exposure shots to reveal the lake bed as light lines. I worked on the mechanics and electronics of the project, machining and building a lot of parts of the probe.
Find out more on the dedicated website.
In La Motte Servolex, for their “Nuit de la Création”, Stop-it was exposed for the first time in its new version. Stop-it doesn’t require a drawn grid anymore to stick the post-its on since the grid is now video projected. This improvement sound simple but it brings a lot :
– the light is perfectly uniform and improves the color detection
– the grid is adjustable in size through the software
– we have a play head precisely showing what notes are being read
– and the installation is now way easier to carry around
The setup shown on this pictures looks a bit wobbly but in fact worked very well relative to the 2 hours of time I was given to install 🙂
26/10/2012 | In Artistic, Experimental, Manufacturing, News | Tags : ableton live, lab212, mechanics, openframeworks, sonar, stop-it
From now, I’ll try to write my articles in english and gradually translate the rest of my site. So welcome to all non french speaking visitors !
I juste came back from a one week trip in Beijing with Pierre where we setup our interactive installation Stop-iT. We were invited from onedotzero to participate to the first exhibition of the new China Museum of Digital Art (CMoDA). First trip in Asia for both of us, this opportunity was a great experience in terms of human encounter (many thanks to all members of the CMoDA and onedotzero teams) and artistic inspirations (lots of amazing projects were exhibited there).
By the way, Stop-iT has now a records feature and a dedicated web site where you can listen to the real time uploaded creations of visitors.
22/12/2011 | In Artistic, News | Tags : ableton live, beijing, exhibition, lab212, midi, music, onedotzero, openframeworks, post-it, stop-it
Le projet Stop-iT créé avec Pierre en 2008 pour les journées portes ouvertes de Gobelins à été invité à la Campus Party de Bogotá (Colombie).
Campus Party est un gigantesque événement centré autour des nouvelles technologies, qui se déroule dans plusieurs pays hispanophones (Espagne, Brésil, Mexique…). Pendant une semaine, on y trouve un énorme regroupement d’étudiants (les campuseros), des robots, des projets interactifs, des pc tunné, des courses de fusées, des geeks, des donuts, des segway, et plein de gens sympa… le tout financé par les grandes marques de télécommunications.
Stop-iT a donc été invité pour l’édition Colombienne en tant que projet interactif innovant. Coïncidence : je travaillais justement sur une nouvelle version utilisant openFrameworks pour la captation des couleurs. Cela nous a donc permis de tester cette dernière pendant une semaine avec un public relativement expert en nouvelles technos. Verdict : Stop-iT plait, est plus stable, beaucoup plus souple et permet de réellement créer du son.
Techniquement, trois logiciels sont utilisés : Stop-iT, développé sur la base d’openFrameworks par mes soins, analyse la grille de couleurs et émets des messages midi vers Live (pour la génération de sons en temps réel) et vers Modul8 (pour l’affichage de vidéos et d’animation). Cette solution nous permet une souplesse extrême dans le choix et la configuration des sons et vidéos.
Cette semaine à Bogotá à été très enrichissante pour Pierre et moi-même, le projet Stop-iT est voué à évolué encore longtemps.
Merci à la “producción” pour leur accueil autant professionnel que chaleureux et à Armella pour avoir parlé de nous au staff de Campus Futuro.
07/07/2010 | In Artistic, News, Programming | Tags : ableton live, bogota, exhibition, lab212, midi, music, openframeworks, post-it, stop-it