During this summer, at the same time I built my workshop, I worked with my wife on an artistic project.
It’s a huge polyhedron made in a single piece of Oak on the saw mill. We called it the “Prisme”. This piece was exhibited during the summer in our region along with Anne’s other works. It served as a starting point for a workshop with the visitors.
More of this project can be found here : matieredeschoses.com/prisme/

24/12/2016 | In Artistic, Experimental, Manufacturing | Tags : saw, wood
Remember the wooden toy horses I made last year ? I decided to renew the experience of making DIY presents. Some Do Nothing Machines and simple marble skill games made out of ash wood. But also this answer dices made with my girlfriend (cypress wood).
This small presents have been well received and I still have some for birthdays…
21/01/2013 | In Manufacturing | Tags : game, wood
This summer during my holidays in Ardèche I started a cabin project with my friend Fred. We designed and built a 9 square meter wooden isolated cabin. It’s intended to receive people even during winter.
Fred has a mobile saw mill and he debited all the Douglas pine wood for the project. We then started to build the structure and the outside cladding. Later we made the windows and the door in my workshop. The assembly on the client’s site took place last December under falling snow…
Next step will be to think about a more industrial way to build this cabins.
Here is a timelapse of the assembly on site.
22/12/2012 | In Manufacturing | Tags : wood, woodworking
This kitchen was planned since a long time, but I managed to free some time this last weeks to make it real. It’s designed to fit in my small parisian kitchen but also to be suitable for any futur kitchen. Made out of solid oak wood, I tried to build it with the most precision I could get with my tools.
The wood came rough sawn and I had to plane it on this small planner/jointer my father gave me. This tool came from an old combination wood working machine and I had to adapt a motor on in to use it independently.
To cut the tenons, I added a new mode on my Arduino controlled Jig that allow me to give in the tenon width and the offset of the first cut and then to cut them all with the same settings.
04/09/2012 | In Manufacturing | Tags : wood, woodworking
Au delà de 1 m/s (Beyond 1 m/s) is an art installation from Albertine Meunier materializing the speed of the Internet. Every 30 seconds Google is asked for the last results of the keywords “je pense” (I think), the machine then rise one marble per result. The device is autonomous and directly connected to the Internet through an Arduino Ethernet.
More on this project here : www.albertinemeunier.net/au-dela-de-1m-s/
and thanks to woodgears.ca for his very inspiring Marble Machine (among a lot of other stuff…)
07/06/2012 | In Artistic, Electronics, Manufacturing, Programming | Tags : arduino, mechanics, wood
Wooden pull horses on wheels.
Hand made. Beech wood. Approx. 8 x 6 cm.
12/12/2011 | In Manufacturing | Tags : game, horse, wood
Rouages et plateau de jeu en bois découpés avec ma fraiseuse numérique.
Bon anniversaire Nico !

05/04/2011 | In Experimental, Manufacturing | Tags : cnc, game, mill, wood